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Squishy Circuits

STEM Skills targeted: Electronics, Circuits, Engineering, Physics
Recommended age range: 5+

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There are so many fun circuits toys available now but I think this is one of my favorites. I mean, how can you go wrong when you combine electricity with play doh?!

This toy is the result of a project carried out by the University of St Thomas as part of their Playful Learning Lab, focusing on the playful side of engineering and the design of fun STEM toys. The aim was to make circuits and electronics more accessible to kids of all ages by using conductive play dough.

Squishy Circuits

The squishy circuits kit includes:

Squishy circuits replaces the wires in traditional electronics kits with play doh. Each component has a probe that can be placed into the play dough which can be shaped into anything you like in order to complete the circuit.

Some fun examples of projects you could make include:

Squishy circuits can also be used with other electronics kits such as Makey Makey

See reviews and prices for Squishy Circuits